
Men’s Therapy
Aside from men who come into counseling with their wives or girlfriends for couples counseling, I find that many more women avail themselves to counseling than men. What I appreciate about men who arrive for individual counseling, is that they usually mean business! The men who get in and stay in counseling until the problem is resolved, are far more courageous than their brothers who refuse to give therapy a try. Men tend to be very objective and to the point about solving their problems.
Many women will tell you that their men do not talk about feelings and avoid talking about their wives feelings as well – this would be termed “avoidant”! In actuality and according to professional research, men may be even more emotional than women, and more tender when hurt. They also tend to show the majority of their emotions with anger.
The Anger Umbrella which covers over the more vulnerable feelings is a primary emotional tool for men. Have you ever heard a man say, “Well today I’m feeling a little insecure, a little hurt, a little afraid, pretty depressed”? Most likely, no. A more normal display of feelings would come with angry displays or angry words.
Depression, Anxiety, Grief
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder
Marital Issues, Relationships
Childhood Abuses
Work/Career Issues
Sexual/Porn Addiction
Substance Abuse
Fear, Self-Esteem
Spiritual Issues, etc.
Issues for Men
Angry men can be scary to women and children, and others. People tend to back off from angry men, which does not help the man express himself and resolve his emotional state at the time. Counseling is a forum for men to really express how they feel, to reveal what is under the Anger Umbrella and get resolution.
Point Man
Father Hunger
Wild at Heart
Healing a Fathers Heart
Every Man’s Battle
Search for Significance