
Communication is an absolutely critical component of couple success because it dictates the degree of connectiveness, intimacy, and trust that couples need to survive.

Affairs are symptoms of spouses whose needs are not met in the relationship or who themselves are not invested enough in the marriage or family.

Addictions of all sorts, but especially sexual addictions of the husband are relationship killers. 

There is help for all of these issues!

  • Communication

  • Money

  • Unmet Needs

  • Blending Families

  • Spirituality

  • Intimacy & Sex

  • Bonding & Trust

  • Emotional Baggage

  • Children, In-Laws

  • Careers

  • Addictions (Sexual, Substance, Gambling, etc.)

Couple’s Therapy

The stressors in our culture today are pressing hard on couple's relationships whether they be marital, premarital, or cohabiting couple. The result - many people feel quite hopeless about whether they will last. Most of the couples that I counsel are relieved at least to know that their issues are common to many other couples, and that usually their spouse is not the one to blame. As a 50/50 proposition, couples are equal partners in making the relationship wonderful or giving up and letting it die.

Everyone brings the baggage of the past into relationships, even younger people. The lack of good role models growing up, traumatic or abusive events, emotional triggers, poor coping skills, defense mechanisms, and so on, all play a part in how couples bond and get along.

Many deal with blending children with new spouses and their children, quite a task and a stressor to the marriage. The job of raising biological children with different parenting styles is a challenge as well.

Money issues have always been and still are a major challenge to couples of all ages.

Tools for the Marriage Toolbox is 5-1/2 hour intensive counseling session that covers primary issues for couples in any phase of the relationship. Click on the link under Resources below for details.



Safe People
Every Mans Marriage
Grief Recovery Handbook
The Truth About Love

The Art of Forgiving
The Total Money Makeover
Five Love Languages
Five Languages of Apology
Free at Last

The Sacred Romance
Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse
Practice of the Prescence of God

“Don’t be shocked but I’m not needing an appointment! My marriage is awesome now. Thank you for all you did for me. I am a better version of my old self.”

Sandra (2016 remarriage)